FEST-Konferenz in Kerkrade, Belgien, 14. – 28. Juli

The annual assembly of FEST-Conference with Katty presenting results from the last year funds
Katty Vankerhove at F.E.S.T-Conference 2019 in Kerkrade

Als eine Delegierte vom  Erzählkunst e.V., nehme ich  2019 an der FEST-Konferenz teil. The Federation for European Storytelling (FEST) ist ein Europäisches  Netzwerk von Organisationen and Associationen, die im Bereich  Freies mündliches Erzählen/Storytelling aktiv sind. FEST möchte die Kunst des Erzählens sichtbar machen und ihre Anerkennung als eine der darstellenden Künste erhöhen sowie ihren Einsatz in allen anderen Bereichen von Kultur und Bildung unterstützen.

The annual FEST Conference is a place for storytelling organisations to meet, exchange and share on different themes, that touch the oral storytelling community.

This year the conference was labeled Tricky Borders, and it took place in Kerkrade at the border of Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

As one of the delegates from the Berlin storytelling club Erzählkunst e.V., I participated in the general assembly and a series of workshops and lectures about tales and science, the trickster of today, storytelling and digital arts. All was very well organized, and a lot of fun, too. Although the weather was unexpectable hot, I learned a lot of new things, like combining storytelling on stage with digital reality.

An impression from the workshop Mixed Reality at the FEST-Conference in Kerkarade 2019
Storyteller Selma Scheele in the workshop Mixed Reality

On sunday the conference was brought to a solemn close with the festival Voices at the Aachener Dom. I enjoyed just beeing there and listen to the music and the wonderful stories of the beginning, of minerals, war and peace, and wisdom.